Checklist Visceral manipulation in Osteopathy
Eric Hebgen
The Checklist concretely describes the therapeutic process in visceral osteopathy for clinical pictures from A-Z. You find clinically relevant techniques for 100 indications. All techniques describe the respective starting position, procedure, and treatment. The numerous photographs show you how it is done.
Every organ is associated with osteopathic chains, and these explain the most important anatomical correlations. The connections between function and dysfunction are described in detail.
The Checkliste Viszerale Osteopathie consists of 5 reference sections where you directly look up the following: Anatomy, techniques, contraindications, osteopathic chains - directly applicable in your daily practice.
Of course I am aware that not all disorders can be healed with osteopathy. It can, however, provide valuable contributions to accelerate healing in multiple ways. The treatments suggested here are to be understood in this sense."
Eric Hebgen
Reading examples
History of Osteopathy, Research (german) (520KB)
Diagnostic and Techniques (german) (98 KB)
Indications (german) (33 KB)