Recurring knee pain and for a year constantly
A 31-year-old woman introduced herself to the right in the practice with recurrent knee pain. She had this pain already in 2005 and 2008 for a certain period of time and has now been permanent for a year. The pain location was always the same: inside of the knee and below the kneecap in combination with a great sensitivity to touch. This pain occurred in sitting, standing and lying down. They were also already triggered by the smallest activity, so cycling, running or swimming was not possible.
Imaging procedures such as X-rays did not reveal any findings. Therapy attempts with physiotherapy, taping, support bandages, stimulation current and acupuncture did not lead to any change.
In the anamnesis, she found that about 3 weeks before the onset of knee pain a year ago, she had bladder inflammation, which had to be treated antibiotics. Since 2005, she has had cystitis again and again.
It was also worth noting for her that her knee pain gets worse before the period.
In the osteopathic finding, I found dysfunctions of the large intestine on the right and the small intestine as well as the organs of the small pelvis, in particular the urinary bladder and the uterus. All these dysfunctions are to be seen in a functional context, so that the treatment included all these organs. During the treatment of the large intestine on the right side, the known knee pain occurred. He disappeared during treatment and could no longer be provoked afterwards, i.e. the hypersensitivity had disappeared. As a self-exercise, my patient should carry out a mobilization of the lower abdominal organs, known as a grand manoeuvre.
At the 2nd Treatment, a month later, she reported a significant improvement in knee complaints with temporary freedom from pain and improved everyday mobility. I carried out the treatment again after the findings of the 1. Treatment through. Two months later, the symptoms had further improved, but the sporting resilience of the knee was not yet given. A careful training under supervision with the aim of restoring resilience is now in the foreground. This is where my patient is on her way.
Creating a functional explanation in a few sentences is difficult. Perhaps it is enough to say here that the organs addressed and the knee joint are supplied from the same spinal cord segments, so that a transmitted pain can occur in the knee, even though the knee is actually healthy. Adolescent knee pain in puberty is a similar phenomenon...generally referred to as growth pain.
However, since my patient's knee has not yet reached normal resilience again, one could speculate whether the visceral dysfunctions have affected the circulation of the right leg, especially the knee joint, to such an extent that it still takes a while to recover. It is important at this stage to avoid overload. Too much ambition hurts at this stage.