Coccyx misalignment - Lumbosacral pain
A young woman of 37 years had been written in kank for 9 weeks, as she had received the most severe back pain in the lumbosacral transition overnight without external reason. Initially with massive painful restriction of movement. Now there had been a dull permanent pain. Any therapy attempt with medication or physiotherapy has so far failed.
In the medical history, there was a 20-year-old herniated disc L4/5, but after MRI, the nerve was currently not affected. Only a subtle facet osteoarthritis could be seen in this segment. There was a caesarean birth 11 years ago. The back pain increased slightly during menstruation. These are all findings that can cause LWS pain through us. But not suddenly overnight. From these findings, if at all, a pain situation develops slowly and increasingly, not as if a switch were flipped. Before the pain-inducing event, everything was in balance with my patient. So what happened overnight?
The palpation of the region and movement tests produced a striking finding: The Ligamante on the side of the coccyx were very painful. This is an indication of a misalignment of the coccyx. Normally, however, such a thing happens traumatically, although I have already had cases that had Coccygis dysfunction without trauma. The more precise diagnosis then provided the certainty of the blocked coccyx. The direct correction of the coccyx position brought an immediate significant reduction in pain. This is the reaction I expected if the Coccygis was wrong: Immediate improvement in symptoms.
Two weeks after the first treatment, the pain had almost disappeared. Now the question arises for me, why this sudden misalignment occurred? In further treatments, one could also devote oneself to the above findings and try to find out whether there are influences on the coccyx that has favored this spontaneous dysfunction.